A note on likelihood ratio ordering between parallel systems with two exponential components
Emanuel Emanouilidis
- School of Computer Science, Kean University, Union, NJ, 07083, USA.
Jiantian Wang
- School of Mathematical Science, Kean University, Union, NJ, 07083, USA.
With the aid of computer programming, we obtain a result on stochastic comparison of the lifetime of two parallel systems with two exponential components in terms of likelihood ratio ordering. This result reveals a more comprehensive picture on stochastic ordering between parallel systems and
thus provides a relatively satisfied answer to an open problem raised in [N. Balakrishnan, P. Zhao, Probab. Engrg. Inform. Sci., \(\bf 27\) (2013), 403--443].
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ISRP Style
Emanuel Emanouilidis, Jiantian Wang, A note on likelihood ratio ordering between parallel systems with two exponential components, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19 (2019), no. 4, 251--257
AMA Style
Emanouilidis Emanuel, Wang Jiantian, A note on likelihood ratio ordering between parallel systems with two exponential components. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2019); 19(4):251--257
Chicago/Turabian Style
Emanouilidis, Emanuel, Wang, Jiantian. "A note on likelihood ratio ordering between parallel systems with two exponential components." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19, no. 4 (2019): 251--257
- Parallel system
- stochastic comparison
- likelihood ratio order
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