Multiple criteria decision making based on bipolar picture fuzzy sets and extended TOPSIS
Muhammad Sarwar Sindhu
- Department of Mathematics, Virtual University of Pakistan (VU), Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
Muhammad Ahsan
- Department of Mathematics, Virtual University of Pakistan (VU), Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
Arif Rafiq
- Department of Mathematics, Virtual University of Pakistan (VU), Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
Imran Ameen Khan
- Department of Management Sciences, Virtual University of Pakistan (VU), Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
The notion of bipolar fuzzy sets (\(B_{p}\)FSs) has got much attention from the experts or decision-makers (DMs). \(B_{p}\)FSs have ample information in the form of two degrees called the positive belonging degree (\(P_{v}\)BD) and a negative belonging degree (\(N_{v}\)BD). In this article, we introduced the concept of bipolar picture fuzzy sets (B\(P_{c}\)FSs) by connecting the concepts of \(B_{p}\)FSs and picture fuzzy sets (\(P_{c}\)FSs). Firstly, we presented the concept, operational rules, score, and accuracy functions of B\(P_{c}\)FSs. Secondly, a distance measure is formulated for the B\(P_{c}\)FSs and then implemented for the extension of TOPSIS. Thirdly, a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) model is proposed to handle the uncertain MCDM problems. Lastly, a practical example related to the sum of money's investment is exemplified to validate and effectiveness of the proposed model.
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ISRP Style
Muhammad Sarwar Sindhu, Muhammad Ahsan, Arif Rafiq, Imran Ameen Khan, Multiple criteria decision making based on bipolar picture fuzzy sets and extended TOPSIS, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 23 (2021), no. 1, 49--57
AMA Style
Sindhu Muhammad Sarwar, Ahsan Muhammad, Rafiq Arif, Khan Imran Ameen, Multiple criteria decision making based on bipolar picture fuzzy sets and extended TOPSIS. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2021); 23(1):49--57
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sindhu, Muhammad Sarwar, Ahsan, Muhammad, Rafiq, Arif, Khan, Imran Ameen. "Multiple criteria decision making based on bipolar picture fuzzy sets and extended TOPSIS." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 23, no. 1 (2021): 49--57
- Picture fuzzy sets
- fuzzy sets
- B\(P_{c}\)FSs
- linear programming model
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